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Plain Packing Strip without Dispenser, ¼” x 5 yds, 12/cs
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MFR Name – Gentell
MFR Part Number – 59121
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 0.60
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 7.90(L) x 4.10(W) x 4.10(H)
Country of origin – CA
Availability – Stock Item
Plain Packing Strip without Dispenser, ¼” x 5 yds, 12/cs
Can be used dry to absorb drainage in exudating wounds or soaked with a medication of choice. Pre-cut sizes suit different wound types. Saves time and money. A secondary dressing is needed to hold the strips in place and to protect the wound from outside contaminants. 5 yards per bottle and available in multiple widths. Latex free.
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