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Analyzer, Urine Chemistry Testing (10636672) (US Only) (Item is on Extended Lead Time)
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MFR Name – Siemens Diagnostics
MFR Part Number – 1420
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 1.00
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 1.00(L) x 1.00(W) x 1.00(H)
Country of origin – PL
Availability – Drop Ship Only
Analyzer, Urine Chemistry Testing (10636672) (US Only) (Item is on Extended Lead Time)
It enables automated reading of the Multistix® family of urinalysis test strips in medium to high volume settings and has a throughput of up to 500 tests per hour. Automatically flags and prints sample ID reports for microscopy follow-up. Allows manual entry of microscopy results. Consolidated report can be printed and/or transmitted to LIS. Automatically prompts technicians to perform QC testing. QC lockout capability ensures compliance. User-defined QC testing protocol. Automatic calibration. One-touch switching between strip configurations. Downloads and prints load list from LIS. Easily accommodates physician requests and STAT testing. Network ready. Up to three different user-defined confirmatory flags.
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