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Autoclaving Bags For MBS I Plastic Funnels, 20/pk
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MFR Name – Cytiva
MFR Part Number – 10445868
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 0.50
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 8.90(L) x 3.10(W) x 3.10(H)
Country of origin – DE
Availability – 14-21 Days
Autoclaving Bags For MBS I Plastic Funnels, 20/pk
An excellent system for optimal microbiological control using membranes. The overall procedure time is reduced to a minimum. The design of the system, which consists of an electrical membrane dispenser, a funnel dispenser, and a vacuum manifold, leads to more reproducible results. The special sealing technique ensures easy handling and a good integrity of the funnel and membrane during filtration. This reduces any cross contamination to a minimum.
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