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Ladder Barrel (Price subject to change without notice) (042124)
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MFR Name – Merrithew
MFR Part Number – ST-01010
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 0.00
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 0.00(L) x 0.00(W) x 0.00(H)
Country of origin –
Availability – Mfr. Direct
Ladder Barrel (Price subject to change without notice) (042124)
From beginners to the fully-conditioned exerciser, the Ladder Barrel challenges core stability and strength for every Pilates enthusiast. Designed for serious core conditioning and to increase flexibility and mobility. Steel frame construction ensures maximum strength, stability, and durability. Adjustable sliding base varies the distance between the ladder and barrel, allowing for different torso and leg lengths. Six ladder rungs allow varying degrees of strength and flexibility. Dense EVA foam provides optimal comfort and proprioceptive feedback. Choose from 10 standard and 75 custom upholstery colors.
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