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Jumpboard, Large (Price subject to change without notice) (091154)
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MFR Name – Merrithew
MFR Part Number – ST-02017
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 0.00
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 0.00(L) x 0.00(W) x 0.00(H)
Country of origin –
Availability – Mfr. Direct
Jumpboard, Large (Price subject to change without notice) (091154)
The Jumpboard is a Reformer accessory that is often used for plyometric training as it mimics the hard surface of the floor. The wide platform and firm, padded jumping surface allows for biomechanically sound foot placement for both plyometric and aerobic exercise. It can also be used for footwork by clients who find the footbar uncomfortable.
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