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Grade 1V Folded Filter Paper, Circle 15cm, 100/pk
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MFR Name – Cytiva
MFR Part Number – 1201-150
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 0.40
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 7.60(L) x 2.20(W) x 2.20(H)
Country of origin – DE
Availability – 14-21 Days
Grade 1V Folded Filter Paper, Circle 15cm, 100/pk
A folded filter paper for routine applications with medium retention and flow rate. Covers a wide range of laboratory applications and is frequently used for clarifying liquids. Savings in time required to quadrant-fold circles to fit conical filter funnels in repetitive or multiple analyses. Decreased overall filtration time because of the extra surface area exposed; the normal slow down of filtration speed due to the loading of particulate is postponed. Increased total loading capacity as more filter area is available. Maintained flow rate due to the reduction in filter paper contact with funnel side and the self-supporting shape of the filter itself. The prepleating does not significantly affect any of the technical data, and the same figures may be used for the flat circles.
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