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Dressing Retainer, Medium: Hand, Arm, Leg, Foot, Size 3, 10 yd/ea
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MFR Name – Integra LifeSciences, Corp
MFR Part Number – GL720
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 0.15
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 5.90(L) x 5.90(W) x 5.90(H)
Country of origin – US
Availability – Stock Item
Dressing Retainer, Medium: Hand, Arm, Leg, Foot, Size 3, 10 yd/ea
A tubular elastic stretch net designed to serve as a secondary dressing, applying gentle pressure to keep bandages or other medical devices securely in place without adhesive tape. Ideal for securing burn or post-op dressings, hot or cold packs, IV tubes, incontinence pads and decubitus ulcer dressings. Easy to customize. Allows maximum air-flow. Available in a wide range of sizes.
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