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The TI-34 MultiView scientific calculator (color BLUE) was designed with educator input in mind for use in these middle grades math and science classes: Middle School Math Pre-Algebra Algebra I & II Trigonometry General Science Geometry and Biology. In Classic mode the TI-34 MultiView can be used in the same classrooms as the TI-34 II Explorer Plus as the screen appears identical to the TI-34 II Explorer Plus in this mode.
2233 in stock (can be backordered)
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Estimated Retail Price – 25
MFR Name – Texas Instruments
MFR Part Number – 34MV/TBL/1L1/A
UPC Code – 033317190362
Shipping Weight (pounds) – .4
Shipping Dimensions (in) – 9.2(L) x 1.6(W) x 5.7(H)
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