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TI-Nspire CX Docking Station for TI-Nspire CX and TI-Nspire CX CAS Handhelds… Store and recharge TI-Nspire class sets – Simply place handhelds directly into the docking station (holds up to 10 units). Monitor each handheld’s battery status via LEDs located on each dock. Transfer TI-Nspire documents – Class activities and homework can be sent electronically to multiple student handhelds at the same time. Watch video Update handheld operating systems – Link the docking station to TI-Nspire Teacher Software to TI-Nspire Teacher Software to quickly transfer the latest OS update files to multiple handhelds simultaneously. The software also tracks the OS version for each unit and identifies those that need an update.
82 in stock (can be backordered)
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Estimated Retail Price – 150
MFR Name – Texas Instruments
MFR Part Number – N3DS/PWB/2L1
UPC Code – 033317203994
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 3.3
Shipping Dimensions (in) – 12.8(L) x 4.2(W) x 7.5(H)
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