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Press and Pull Latches Retractable extension handle Automatic Purge Valve – Keeps water and dust out while balancing air pressure Business card holder Super-light proprietary HPX² Polymer Quiet Rolling Stainless-Steel Bearing Wheels
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Estimated Retail Price – 448.50
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 23.00 lbs
UPC Code – 825494074692
MFR Name – Pelican Products
MFR Part Number – 016460-0010-110
Pelican understands that finding the right protection, with the perfect fit for your gear, is a priority. Pelican Air began with long protection and quickly grew to offer you deep protection. The time has come to combine those two in order to create Pelicans new Long/Deep Series. Gone are the days of dangerously forcing your equipment into the wrong size case or leaving it unprotected with no other options. With Pelicans Long/Deep series, we have created the missing link so that no matter the demands of your gear, Pelican has you covered.
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