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Disposable Mouth Mirrors, Bulk Pack, 72/bx (US SALES ONLY)
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MFR Name – Palmero
MFR Part Number – 93
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 0.90
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 6.10(L) x 2.90(W) x 2.90(H)
Country of origin –
Availability – Stock Item
Disposable Mouth Mirrors, Bulk Pack, 72/bx (US SALES ONLY)
Highly reflective light-weight, single-use mouth mirrors for examinations and soft tissue retraction procedures. Improved wider handle design provides slip-free and comfortable grip. Clear, distortion-free, 7/8 diameter. Ultra-thin reflecting surface for enhanced imaging. Ideal for high-volume situations where interim sterilization is not practical.
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