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Accessories: Resting EKG Tab Electrode, 4000/cs
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MFR Name – Vectracor, Inc.
MFR Part Number – Z-5000-1920
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 0.00
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 0.00(L) x 0.00(W) x 0.00(H)
Country of origin –
Availability – Mfr. Direct
Accessories: Resting EKG Tab Electrode, 4000/cs
Turns an off-the-shelf computer into a full-functioning ECG. Connect it to a personal computer, laptop or tablet to acquire, store and analyze up to 12-channels of high-resolution ECG data. Uses the Louvaine analysis program. Includes the Office Medic software, electrodes, electrode adapters and a lead placement guide. No batteries required because the power it drawn from the PC or tablet it is connected to by the USB port.
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