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Adscope 647, 22″, Purple
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MFR Name – American Diagnostic Corporation
MFR Part Number – 647V
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 0.00
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 0.00(L) x 0.00(W) x 0.00(H)
Country of origin –
Availability – Mfr. Direct
Adscope 647, 22″, Purple
Threaded chestpiece drum permits the use of five interchangeable chestpiece fittings – an adult and pediatric diaphragm, and three bells (1 1/4″, 1″, 3/4″) – for complete diagnostic capability in most patients. Latex-free extra thick “Y” tubing. Proprietary valve mechanism eliminates acoustic leakage. Adjustable chrome-plated brass binaurals. Complete with an accessory pouch containing the bell chestpieces, chestpiece key, 2 spare diaphragms, one pair of mushroom eartips, and one pair of silicon eartips. Weighs 5.7 oz, measures 30″ Inspected and packaged in the U.S.A.
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