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Sitz Bath Set, Mauve, 10/cs
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MFR Name – Medegen Medical Products, LLC
MFR Part Number – H990-10
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 8.15
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 15.20(L) x 13.10(W) x 13.10(H)
Country of origin – US
Availability – Stock Item
Sitz Bath Set, Mauve, 10/cs
Fitting standard toilets and commodes, sitz baths are portable and can be used in a variety of locations (e.g. hospital, home). Each basin has rounded edges for simple application, handling and removal. Perfect for administering soothing fluids directly to the perineal area. Each set includes a 2000 ml bag, 60″ tubing, adjustable clamp, basin and easy-to-follow instructions. Bags are graduated in 500 ml increments up to 2000 ml’s.
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