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Diabetisource® AC SpikeRight 8 oz Cans, 24/cs (144 cs/plt) (Minimum Expiry Lead is 90 days) (Continental US Only) (Products cannot be sold on or any other 3rd party site)
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MFR Name – Nestle Healthcare Nutrition
MFR Part Number – 36500000
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 15.15
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 12.30(L) x 5.40(W) x 5.40(H)
Country of origin –
Availability – Stock Item
Diabetisource® AC SpikeRight 8 oz Cans, 24/cs (144 cs/plt) (Minimum Expiry Lead is 90 days) (Continental US Only) (Products cannot be sold on or any other 3rd party site)
An advanced-control tube feeding designed to meet the unique nutritional needs of patients with diabetes and stress-induced hyperglycemia. It includes ingredients which are clinically shown to help improve insulin sensitivity. It has a unique blend of Benefiber® soluble fiber and fructo-oligosaccarides to help promote good digestive health. Contains no sugar alcohols. Protected by NutriShield® – a proprietary combination of microbial inhibitors protecting from harmful bacteria, especially in open system.
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