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Energizer Penlight, 4/cs
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MFR Name – Energizer Battery, Inc.
MFR Part Number – PLED23AEH
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 0.90
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 8.10(L) x 4.60(W) x 4.60(H)
Country of origin –
Availability – 14-21 Days
Energizer Penlight, 4/cs
A great choice for general lighting needs, the E251 features a flip-up hook that allows hanging or belt-carrying the light easily. In addition, the anti-roll feature helps keep the light in place when you set it down.
This light has a sturdy polyethylene case and a shatterproof lens to protect interior components from damage on the job.
Lamp Life: 15 hours
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