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Syringe Filter, Whatman Anotop 25, 0.02µm Pore Size, Anopore, 50/pk
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MFR Name – Cytiva
MFR Part Number – 6809-2002
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 0.60
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 3.20(L) x 6.90(W) x 6.90(H)
Country of origin – GB
Availability – 14-21 Days
Syringe Filter, Whatman Anotop 25, 0.02µm Pore Size, Anopore, 50/pk
A comprehensive range of disposable syringe filter devices designed to provide fast and efficient filtration of aqueous and organic solutions. They are made with a wide variety of membrane filters with a polypropylene or polycarbonate housing using the most advanced methods and design features available today. Suitable for numerous applications in pharmaceutical, environmental, biotechnology, food/beverage and agricultural testing laboratories Heat sealed without the use of glues or sealants.
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