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10µl Yellow Loop, 25/pk, 40 pk/cs
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MFR Name – Simport Scientific
MFR Part Number – L200-2
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 3.90
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 11.34(L) x 4.96(W) x 4.96(H)
Country of origin – VN
Availability – 14-21 Days
10µl Yellow Loop, 25/pk, 40 pk/cs
Made of high impact polystyrene. Smooth and flexible to facilitate uniform streaking without damaging the gel surface. Needle is straight and suitable for removal of specimens of single colonies. Packed sterile in safe, tamperproof, zip-seal resealable bags. Does not require flaming and thus eliminate the risk of infection due to aerosol formation of pathogenic substances. Cross contamination due to improper sterilization is eliminated. They can be used under hoods without danger, and are color-coded for ease of size identification. 22.7cm length.
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