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Great for tough jobs Heavy duty Capable.
12 in stock (can be backordered)
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Estimated Retail Price – 82.95
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 0.90 lbs
UPC Code – 729857994002
MFR Name – SOG
MFR Part Number – B66N-CP
The new PowerAssist takes multi-tools to a new level. This is the first in the world to house not just one but two SOG Assisted Technology blades. Start to open the main blades, which are available when the main tool is closed, and S.A.T. takes over to complete opening. When not in use, these blades lock closed using our patent pending side release. Flip open the tool and experience the precision of the heavy-duty plier capability and large wire cutters. Smooth handle surfaces promote comfort on even the toughest jobs. Also includes Compound Leverage, gear covers, heavy duty construction, V-Cutter, built-in crimpers and matte black finish for low reflectivity.
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