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Rapid Readout for Steam 250°F/ 121°C Gravity or 270°F/132°C Vacuum Assisted Sterilizers, 3 Hour Readout, Brown Cap, Sterile, 300/bx, 2 bx/cs (Continental US+HI Only) (Not FDA Approved Life Science Labs Only; Not for Export)
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MFR Name – 3M Health Care
MFR Part Number – 1292-S
UPC Code –
Shipping Weight (pounds) – 4.45
Shipping Dimensions (IN) – 14.30(L) x 5.90(W) x 5.90(H)
Country of origin –
Availability – 14-21 Days
Rapid Readout for Steam 250°F/ 121°C Gravity or 270°F/132°C Vacuum Assisted Sterilizers, 3 Hour Readout, Brown Cap, Sterile, 300/bx, 2 bx/cs (Continental US+HI Only) (Not FDA Approved Life Science Labs Only; Not for Export)
Biological indicators and test packs that monitor the effectiveness of the EO or steam sterilization process and provide results within 48 hours.
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